A sexy hot sibling fuck day on the 4th

family fucking

 Feeling Kinky? I was on the 4th. I dressed all sexy for my brother we have the whole house on the river to our selves. Just as soon as our family leaves.
He will be tearing my little sexy outfit right off.
My ass is out but my tits are covered
Mommy always told me one or the other
Leave the men guessing about what’s under the other
Dancing and sticking my ass out every chance I got I helped mom with the dishes and every time I bent down to grab a dish he was eyeing me. He couldn’t stop starting at me. So my little teasing ass walked right over and sat on his lap telling him I wanted  pictures of us. I glided my pussy right over the top of his lap as I was getting up off of him. Looking back he gave me a grin and I saw his dick trying to come out of those pants. My body was aching with anticipation.

When our family left he told me I was getting it all night and all morning since I didn’t know how to be a good girl. We fucked all over the house, out side, in our hammock, kitchen and living room. He tied my hands up after ripping my sexy ass outfit off and used it to tie me up. His big dick fucked my little creamy tight pussy until we came. I lost track at ten orgasms. The fire works were so beautiful over the river and I love that I was able to scream and no one could hear me.

Kinky phone sex

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