Daddy’s Little Dick Sucker

Daddys girl phone sex

My youngest daughter is the only one of my hotties who is really a daddy’s girl.  Hell, I’m not even sure who half of their fathers are!  But I think that’s a good thing, because my little one’s dad doesn’t really have anything to do with her, which messes her up more than my daughters who don’t give a shit about knowing their pop.

He’s a holiday dad, and even then, you can’t always count on him to actually show up when he says he will.  When she does get to see him, I know she’s an angel for him and does everything that a good daughter should.  He absolutely loves to get head so she was sure to practice really hard to make him proud.  He must not like fucking his daughter’s mouth very much, or something.  He’s pretty much as unseen as the wind, around here.

So she compensates and gloms onto every older man I bring into the house.  She doesn’t care much for the young bucks, but when I have a more mature date home, she’s all over him like white on cum.  She sits on their laps and strokes their beards or stubble, giggles at their dry humor.  A real doting daughter type.

Inevitably, her little body rubbing on their laps gets them hard and she does the “Oh, your boner surprises me” thing that good little sluts do.  She giggles and slowly slides down the seat until her head is right by their crotch.  She teases and massages it a little, then gets to work doing what she hopes her daddy would like for her to do to him and sucks whatever middle aged man meat I brought home for her.  

She’s really good, takes after her mama in more ways than one.  She knows the slow start/fast finish method and has already pretty much gotten rid of her gag reflex.  And every last one of my dates that she blows says that she gives the least toothy blowjobs they’ve ever had.  That’s phenominal!

The one thing she isn’t really good at is swallowing, she’s still perfecting that.  She looks absolutely beautiful with cum dripping out of her mouth, but maybe if she figured out how to suck down that semen her dad would want to be around her.  Who knows?


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