Sex With My Sister Sonya

sex with my sisterYour cock is craving that sex with my sister cum load. I can tell. My big brother has fucked me since I was a little girl and he was a teen. He was always so careful not to hurt me, but he still made my little cunny sore. And now knowing that he has a fairly large cock for a white boy I know why! We have the best sibling relationship though, I guess the sex helps. But I am still a naughty brat and mischievous little slut. He recently got himself a girlfriend outside the family and I am not too happy about it at all. I have been one of his main lovers for years and I decided to tease the fuck out of him and make him fuck me where she would catch us. It all started when he was paying for gas so I could take my oldest daughter to the doctor. I wore no panties and when his Girlfriend pulled up behind me, I was so mad! I made sure as I was pumping gas and he was talking to me with her in the car behind us to play with my pussy and flash the attendant inside as well. He got a little jealous. I told my brother if he wouldn’t fuck me then my little phone sex ass would fuck the gas station attendant! He was flustered, angry, and told me he would meet me at his apartment tonight. Happy with myself I made sure my daughter was buckled in, (and yes she got the sow too, I am no prude! And flipped my brother’s girlfriend off. Now to figure a way for her to catch us, maybe I would record the whole thing and send it to her, what do you think?teen phone sex

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