Kinky phone sex

0I took Inez shopping for all her school supplies yesterday, she needed a lot of new clothes and of course the school had a list a mile long of shit she needed there so it was an all day affair for sure! We were getting pretty tired and a little crabby after all of that so I decided that we need some relaxation right away and when I saw the hottie working all by himself at the pretzel shop, I knew how we would be relaxing. We went over to him and ordered a snack and flirted like crazy and when we asked him if he would like to come back to our place with us, he eagerly accepted! It was amazing! We took that little hottie home and fucked the shit out of him. We used that poor boy until his dick couldn’t get hard anymore and then we made him leave. All in all it was a pretty amazing day but now we are both ready for a nap!

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