My Little Brother And My Panties

Family fucking When I was younger I came home from school one day and noticed my panties drawer had been messed with. I thought it was odd but I thought maybe I messed it up and forgot about it. I quickly folded my panties back up and forgot about. The next day when I got home from school and my panties were messed up again in the drawer. This time I knew it was not me. I started to investigate and the first place I went to was to my younger brothers room. At first, I did not see anything as I was rummaging around but then I lifted up his mattress and bam there it was. My pink panties smashed between his mattress and they had dried up cum on them. He was using my panties to get off on and I liked it. I left the dried cum panties there and grabbed my 8 inch dildo. I jumped on his bed and fucked myself. I fucked myself into I squirt my pussy juices 5 times. I made a huge mess on his bed and I left my panties that I was wearing right in the middle of the mess. I wanted him to know I get off thinking of him too.

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