Mommy knows best

incest phone sexOne thing I wish my brats would get thru their thick skulls is that mommy always always always knows best! Even if it hurts them. even if they don’t want to do it, even if they wish they were dead by the end of it mommy always knows best! So when I tell them to do something they had better fucking do it or there is gonna be hell to pay and that is a lesson my daughter had to learn for herself just this morning. She was being a little bitch and not listening to anything I told her to do, I had a guy coming to fuck her and she wouldn’t even get ready! He showed up and she hadn’t even brushed her damn teeth yet so I was pissed. He paid good money and got a dirty bitch instead of a sweet girl to fuck and it just wasn’t fair so I told him that he could do whatever he wanted to her, get as mean as he liked. Well, he got real rough, he beat her and fucked all her holes until she was bleeding all over and you know what? By the end she sure was a whole lot nicer!

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