His Nigger Fetish

Snuff phone sex

Hello, all this year has started off with a bang a straight big bang, and Mr. Christopher is the reason why. Christopher is a nigger loving white hard cock having motherfucker that has a deep fetish for hearing the word nigger over and over again. Mr. Christopher wants to hear nothing but nigger like a thousand times if I could say it he wants to listen to it strong loud stressed and often. Mr. Christopher wakes you up early in the morning just so that you can say nigger for him over and over again. I asked Mr. Christopher do you want a nigger to be the first thing on my mind and he said yes, and he wants it to be the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep so guess what he calls and he demands that I say it, nigger, over and over again. I am ready for it, and it doesn’t bother me one fucking bit so come with Mr. Christopher, I will be your nigger nigger nigger all day long.

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