Play time


Family Fun phone sexMy sissy an I were playing jacks outside today! It was so much fun! When I noticed some boys were watching us.. one of em was making all these ugly faces and rubbing his dickie thru his pants! How very RUDE! Then he started hollering out nasty mean things.. Like “why don’t you to bitches kiss each other!” That Meany couldn’t talk to us like that.. So sissy and I decided to be mean right back! We started kissin each other and rubbing our hands on each other.. And he got soooo excited. He couldn’t even sit up right! And then I yelled out ‘hope your blue ballies hurt really bad” we both started laughing and rushed inside! But we was so worked up… we had to go to our bedroom and play!  I couldnt wait to lick sissy’s little cunny and taste how super sweet she is! mmmmm she taste like cotton candy!   And she melts in my mouth the same way!!!   Lol.. I LOVE it!

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