Daisy made me some money!

kinky phone sexDaisy can be such a hard working little whore when she wants to be! Yesterday, she was in a very productive mood that’s for sure, she fucked at least 20 guys for me and made enough money that we paid off all our bills! She had them coming in and out all day long and she didn’t just half ass it either, she took he time and thoroughly satisfied each and every one of them. She didn’t complain at all, not one time! She had men fucking her ass and her mouth and her pussy, she gave them whatever they wanted! Even when it was obviously hurting her, this one man was fusting her asshole super hard and she was crying from the pain but she never asked him to stop… now that is dedication! She didn’t stop there either, when she was finished with all those men and had given me all the money she made, she took the time to make sure I was satisfied too! Isn’t she the sweetest?

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