Have you seen our specials?

sexy gilfDid you know that we have several great specials for you to choose from? Well we sure do, and all you need to do to get one is ask! We have the 21 minute special, that one is only $31 for US callers and $41.50 for international callers, isn’t that a great deal? Or if you want a little more time, try the 33 minute special, it is only $48 dollars for US callers and $64.50 international. If you are feeling like that just isn’t enough time for you, we have the 75 minute special too, that one is only $125 for US callers and $162.50 for international! What could be better than that? Umm maybe the two girl special that’s what! You get 2 girls for 15 minutes for only $50 for US callers and $75 international! Just remember to ask for you special baby or you won’t get one… you don’t want to miss out now do you?

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