Aunt Mary Anne Does It Again!

hot phonesex maryanne3We all know my nieces and nephews love to spend special days with Aunt Mary Anne. Well today was Earth Day and I had to be extra creative to think of some fun activity for us all. So I decided we would plant a vegetable garden.
I sat everyone down and we started talking about what vegetables we could plant. Of course I told them that all the vegetables had to have two uses. When we harvested our garden we had to be able to play with our crop before eating any of it. With some creative brainstorming we came up with things all of us could enjoy and we made a list. Then we went grocery shopping to see what would actually work. We bought cucumbers and zucchini squash for the girls and for the boys we got tomatoes and watermelon. We went home and proceeded to test our vegetables. We had so much fun fucking our vegetables as the girls all tried their cucumbers and squash. They were all wet and shiny with pussy juice by the time they got done.  We cut holes in the tomatoes and watermelon for the boys to try. And they fucked them silly, juice dripping down their balls. When we were done they all were excited about their choices and we went and bought what we needed for our garden.
We went into the backyard and cleared our plot of land we planted our garden all of us naked. We had a water hose fight after we were done and got all muddy in the process.
  When we got back inside we played with our vegetables again and everyone was excited as we talked about how big and what kind of shapes we would get out of our garden vegetables.
I think the young ‘uns really like Earth Day now and so does Aunt Mary Anne!


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