Incest Phone Sex with Sexy Granny Samantha

incest phone sex hot momIncest phone sex is the best phone sex in my opinion! But, then I am a dirty p mommy and granny, so I may be a bit biased. Now that summer is here, I can’t get enough of my grand angels. My youngest grand girl is at that age that many men like to play with. You know what age I mean? Tight, hairless, eager to please and so easy to corrupt. I’ve decided she needs to learn some skills if she is going to be at my house most of the summer. I got up on my dining room table, put her in her booster seat in the chair in front of me and spread my pussy wide. Pussy eating 101.

I showed her all my special spots and how to play with them to be a good girl. Good girls get presents and treats. She took her little fingers and poked around my pussy. I encouraged her to taste the yummy creamy filling. She scooped it out like it was ice cream. It was actually her older brother’s boy batter inside me she was eating. She seemed to love it too. I like to start getting the young girls accustomed to the taste of boy seed from a very young age. My young grand girl is going to be a natural cum guzzler. Once she started licking me, I was squirting all over her little face. She just giggled. She thought I went pee pee. I assured her that was my happy juice. It is what good little girls and boys get when they make this sexy granny feel good. Perhaps I can use you to train her on man seed?

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