My Sex Toy Party


hot phonesex darlaDon’t you wish you had been a fly on the wall last night?
My sex toy party was so much fun!
All the girls I invited had to wear lingerie and masquerade masks. They all looked so fucking hot that I creamed my panties each time a new guest appeared and took off her coat revealing her hot and sexy body!
The Sex toy lady set up all the toys in a nice display that made us just want to try them all right on the spot. I had several erotic games planned and we played each one.
We started out rather tame with a game called Sex Queen where you gather all the Queens from several decks of cards. I then asked a series of sexy questions, like “Have you ever bought your lover a sex toy?” or “Have you ever fucked out side?” or “Have you ever fucked two guys at the same time?” or “Have you ever fucked two girls at the same time?” you get the idea…If the lady answered “yes” she receives a card and every so many questions I asked for the story explaining the answer. Some of them were hot as hell! The one with the most cards wins! By the end of that game there wasn’t a dry pussy in the house.
We also played a game called Pop Your Cherry in this game we placed a cherry on a plate covered in whipped cream, using your mouth only you must pop your   cherry. The first one to do this wins!  We played Pass the Vibrator which is my version of musical chairs. With the vibrator on and music going we passed it from one to the other, when the music stops the person holding the vibrator is out until there is just one person left.
I saved my favorite game for last, Condom Race. Each of us had to put a condom on a banana using only our mouth and blind folded.
Oh yeah the cum was flowing as freely as the drinks.
Don’t you wish you had been a fly on the wall?
I think the next party I will invite the guys and dolls and see what we can cook up. I hope all my girls are home enjoying all their new toys be it alone or with a friend or two! I know I am!

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