Brother-sister threesome

Incest phone sex Madeline1

My brother called me, all excited with an idea: he wanted to have a threesome with me. But, that was not all; he also was going to let me pick the girl! I was so excited that he would give me this privilege; and, he laughed, saying, “Well, sis, you’re the most important woman in my life.” I glowed all day long as I thought about the type of woman that I wanted to include in our rendezvous. It was an honor to let someone join the fun, especially since my brother and I were the perfect sexual couple.

That morning at the gym, I decided. I was going to ask my aerobics instructor. She was tall, blonde, and hot. I liked the idea that she offered a nice contrast to me in hair color; and, her muscular body made mine look even tinier, which would certainly please my brother. I also had seen her sneak glances at me when I was in the shower; so, I invited her to my house and promptly called my brother. He was ecstatic that it was going to happen so fast.

My brother arrived first, then the instructor. My instructor seemed surprised that my brother was there; however, she smiled and seemed relaxed. We had a couple of glasses of wine and went out by the pool; and, then, I bent over and kissed her on the lips. She responded even more passionate than I expected; she slid her soft velvety tongue against mine. I loved how she tasted like cherries. My brother sat on the other side of her and began stroking her thigh.

I pulled down my top to expose my perky breasts; I wanted to tease my brother, fully knowing that he would want me. He began licking and biting my nipples as my instructor slid down between his legs and sucked his cock. He was becoming wild with desire and began fingering my pussy. He reclined in a lounge chair and she straddled his massive cock, the best cock in the world (because it belonged to him). And, then, I gave him what I knew he wanted: I sat down on his face, my cunt already creamy. I came hard and fast, watching him shoot all over my instructor’s face. But, that was only the beginning…there we would all be bathed in cum before the day was over!

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