Happy Memorial Day

Incest phone sexMemorial Day is more than going to picnics, parades, and just fucking about.  It is in honor of those who have fallen in providing Military Service to both you, I and our Country.  I have many Vets in my family.  I also am friends with a ton of Army Wives.  The very basic things these Men and Women give up just to go into places to make sure We; as a people; are kept safe from foreign and domestic harm is immeasurable. 

There are times when I see an article or hear on the news people protesting our Military Troops.  The thing of it all is, they aren’t doing what our Military Service Men and Women are.  They are not putting their very life on the line to defend what they believe in.  How dare someone say something as ignorant as that Military Spending should be cut, or that our Military are just a bunch of grunts.  I beg anyone who feels that way to do one day of Duty in a hostile environment, drive in the convoys, or even just be away from the comforts of your home, and love of your family.  I think they would have a different view.

I want to take a moment to thank any Vets or Active Military Personal who may read this.  I admire, stand in awe, and thank you for everything you do, everything you put on the line, and for all the hardships you face in the Line Of Duty. If it weren’t for Men and Women like yourselves, I wouldn’t be able to even show off my body, or provide the service I provide.

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