Football Favorites

I love footbalAriel18l season. Especially when all the play off games are on. My dad and brothers get sooo caught up in the game. They get all loud and excited. And my Daddy loves the 49ers. So we are going to the super bowl. But my favorite thing is how when my daddy gets all excited. His big dick gets all hard at the same time. I will catch him peeking looks at me while they are lining up. Sometimes he rubs his dick while they are doing their play. But I know… no matter how much I tease him. He wont miss his game. So I have a lot of fun. I bend over in front of him. And dance around almost naked just to tease him.. ==giggle giggle== I cant help it. It makes me so happy to see him sooooo happy. And . I know, If I take it to far he will just take it out on me during half time. Like today during the pro bowl we barley made it to half time when he yanked my panties down, pushed up my tie die yellow dress  and pulled me down on his hard cock. The he fucked me till he gave me that big load I needed so bad… I love football so much.

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