Switching Roles

kinky phonesex darlaHarley is such a sweet little panty boy. He has always been the submissive one and Mommy has always been in charge. Now that he is getting older I decided that it was time he got a lesson on being the Dominate one and making Mommy be submissive for a change. I set up a night that Harley will be in charge. When I talked to him about it he didn’t seem all to happy. He likes things the way they are and was upset because he thought he would not be able to wear my panties. It seems I am going to have to take this in baby steps. We agreed that he could wear my panties, but that he would be in charge and Mommy would do whatever he wanted to do. He would be in complete control of our play date. The night before our play date we watched some Dom porn so that he would have an idea of what his role would be. I was so surprised when our play date time rolled around. He walked in the room in a pair of my black panties and bra. In his hand he had his jump rope that he had cut one handles off of. He was swinging it around as he ordered me to lay down on the bed with his “whip” in his hand. He was so serious and did a fairly good job for his first attempt at being Dominant. It took everything in me not to laugh because he was so out of his element. But I followed his orders and we had a fun night. When we were done and he lay in my arms he quietly asked if I had fun. I assured him that I did and that I liked him being in control. He said he would do it once in a while to make me happy because he loves me, but he liked the old way better. I guess we have a way to go, but it is a start.

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