Cyber Sexting

Kinky phone sexTechnology has changed the way we do so many things, but I never thought it was a sexy way to communicate.  I was so wrong about that, WOW – I mean really really really wrong.  I met a guy recently and he asked me for my phone number, so I gave it to him since he seemed nice enough.  I had forgotten about him until about a week later I get a text from him with a picture so I would remember who he was.  I did and I was happy to hear from him, and I assumed he would ask me out since rejection is easier to take via text versus actually speaking on the phone.  I couldn’t have been more wrong – he started sex-ting me right away.  He went into great detail how he was going to assault my clit with his tongue, and how he was going to get me so wet that I would go crazy as I beg him to fuck me.  He also went into great detail about how he was going to stick the tip of his cock into me and then spend 5 minutes slowly sinking his shaft into me.  Once he has completed all these tasks he continued sex-ting me some more with greater detail of what he is going to do to my ass.  I text back with a dinner invitation to my house that night.  Sex-ting is awesome, and I am a supporter of it!

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