Sharing is Caring

Hot phonesex PatriciaI’ve always believed it was a good idea to teach my little ones to share. But how do you do that? Sharing toys or stuffed animals is asking a lot. Then I thought of something that my sister and I used to share. Well that’s kind of a secret (hee, hee), but you will see what I mean…it had to do with Daddy.
So I decided that my oldest, Sarah, who is almost as tall as mommy by now, but still a quite away behind in another important area (hee, hee, again) would share something with Mommy that would teach Ariel and Lisa a nice lesson. Each of my male fuck buddies has a particular outstanding talent, so I chose Devin, who shots a load of cum to fill a champagne glass. We all got naked and waited for Devin to arrive. We were kissing and licking each other when he walked in. I had told him the plan, so he stripped and revealed his hard cock immediately. Sarah and I went down on his hard dick while Ariel and Lisa played with each others pussies. Devin can last along time, but Sarah’s and my talented tongues brought him to the brink in less than ten minutes of licking his shaft and kissing around it. Ariel and Lisa were squealing with excitement as they watched. Then Devin shot his enormous load of hot cum into my mouth. Now for the sharing lesson! I didn’t swallow, but rather held the super load of delicious hot cum in my mouth and tilted Sarah’s head back. She opened her mouth, and I let the entire cum load drop between her lips. We traded his cum this way several times, before it dissolved with our passionate kissing.
My two little daughters were so thrilled with their sharing lesson, that they couldn’t wait to try it themselves. Sharing is caring.

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