So Many Questions…

Incest Phone Sex

I get asked all the time what the most popular Fetishes are, but it’s really difficult for me to answer.  The Mommy fantasy is quite significant, but the Daddy fantasy is equally intriguing.  Family desires takes so many different shapes and forms that it’s hard to say which one is the most popular.  I can tell you that popularity is not what’s important here, what’s important is that everyone involved is having a really good time.  Consensual family fun time can be the most rewarding and the most exciting time you can spend up.

When I was younger my uncle would come into my room and put his hand in my panties, lick my clit and fuck me.  I loved every moment of it, and I used to think there was something wrong with me.  I searched my entire life to find out how to fix me, but then I realized that there was nothing wrong with me.  I still fuck my uncle, and we’ll probably do so until he dies because his cock is huge.  Aside from the fact that he has a huge cock he knows how to get me off, and it feels good.  I’m a firm believer that if it feels good you should do it.  So you see, not everything you wanna do is bad.  Remember – if you are unclear about anything you want to do, or have done just let me know and we can talk about it.

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