Pregnant slut of the family fucks better than mommy!

 Pregnant slutPregnant slut of the family fucks better than mommy! Daddy loves keeping me knocked up! One because I provide many more little sluts for the family. Two because yes indeed I do fuck better than mommy when I am 9 months pregnant with big heavy dripping titties. I become a sweet angel when I’m ovulating for Daddy. In the period before I get pregnant all I want is his cock meat shove deep inside of me so he can make me pregnant again. And  two, there’s a reason that I keep having so many little chitlins! It’s because daddy loves to see his little girl so round and pregnant and so horny for his dick every time she sees him. We are an incest family and that much you probably already know. But do you know that I have to breathe to make our family bigger! And Mommy just hates it when I’m pregnant because she doesn’t get as much daddy fuck stick as she would  like. But it’s okay she can go fuck my uncle or go fuck one of the boys who are only starting just to come.  I love being everyone’s favorite little girl with a brat in my belly and Big lactating tits!

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