Brother / Sister Phone Sex Makes Pimpin’ Easy

hot phonesex lillyTimes are hard and a girl has to do what a girl has to do. At first I felt guilty about it but then the money started rolling in and I figured this was way better then letting people play with the twins for free. I should have thought of this long ago.
It has only been a few weeks and the twins became popular mighty fast. Yesterday I had so many appointments that I thought I was going to have to turn people away and then I got a brilliant idea and I haven’t stopped cumming since yesterday!hot phonesex pimp
I decided to book people fifteen minutes apart for 20 minute sessions so they over lapped by five minutes. I had a plan.The first guest arrived and I lead him and the twins out to the sun room where I had set up one of the twin beds and a night stand with lotions and oils. I collected the money and went into the living room. When the next guest arrived I explained that we were booked solid and that the twins were other wise engaged, however in the five minute overlap time, I would open the curtain on the sliding glass door just enough for him to watch but not enough to disturb the first guest. He seemed very pleased with the idea and when I said it, my pussy instantly got wet.
When the time came we pulled the curtain back just enough to be peeping Toms and both of us could not help masturbating as we watched the first guest conclude his session.
This went on all day, after the first guest of course the following guests knew they were being watched the last five minutes but no one seemed to mind. In fact it seemed to intensify their sessions.
I have to admit it was hot as fucking hell. I think this is something I will continue as long as the twins are so popular. I might even start charging extra for the little show!hot phonesex special

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