Domination Phone Sex Over A Weak Penis Brained Porn Pet

Let me introduce how Porn Pet M Gets weak With Domination Phone Sex. Ever More Powerful Porn Mommy Devon Gets. Obviously, this is our Mantra of sorts. And My porn pet is absolutely weak and dependent on me as his Porn Mommy.

Now to prove just how dependent my little penis brained porn pet is to me He has presented me with many power points to express himself. And from a couple of them I would like to share what he would love veryone to know:
“I Submit To Porn Mommy Devon’s Power Because She Has Made Me So Weak Through Her Manipulation, Mind Fucking And Exploitation. I Willingly Give In To Her Power And Crave Her Control Of My Penis Brain, My Penis, My Scrotum Sack, My Time, My Thoughts, My Behavior And My Bank Account.”

Now is this not the perfect pet to have? For me I quite enjoy it.

Domination Phone Sex

  • Some of the wonderful things my piggy has shared with me are images and porn of these types of things, and what he consumes daily. In the words of my Porn Pet:
    *Penises urinating in a cunt whore’s gaping anus
    *Penis shoved into a cunt whore’s anus and then filling it with urine which she then forces out into another cunt whore’s mouth and face
    *One cunt whore eating food out of another cunt whore’s gaping anus including bananas, strawberries, cereal with milk, chocolate bars, whipped cream, hot dogs,
    *More cunt whores sucking urine out of her own gaping anus through a plastic tube and drinking it
    *A cunt whore drinking sperm out of another cunt whore’s anus
    *Many a prolapsed anus being licked and even completely engulfed by the mouth of another cunt whore
    Tongues inserted into gaping anuses.

Mommy Sex

Domination Phone Sex Weakens a Pornosexual to Great Xxxtremes 

Those are but only a small part of an extensive list of filth my penis brain porn pet loves. And Finally my porn pet has presented himself to me and my ownership completely.

  • My addiction to pornography has made me:
  • Desperately dependent on pornography and masturbation
  • Mentally deranged and insane completely unable to function “normally” without pornography
  • Obsessive, compulsive, fixated on perverted thoughts and behaviors which control my daily routine and activity

Finally by intensifying my mental illness and making more obsessed with pornography I become ever more dependent on Porn Mommy Devon. After all Porn Mommy Devon provides me with an outlet and support for my sick fucked up penis brain. And it’s My domination phone sex that will forever control my pets penis brain.

Now she takes me further into my mental illness by manipulating me. Then by taking advantage of my weakness and vulnerability brought about by pornography.
At last I am nothing more than Porn Mommy Devon’s devoted, dependent, sick, mentally ill porn pet pay piggy. Just a sex toy for her cunt’s pleasure and exploitation.


    • Porn Pet on November 16, 2024 at 4:33 pm
    • Reply

    This is Porn Mommy Devon’s porn pet M to let everyone know that I am so thrilled that she has exposed both my penis and sick penis brain in this blog. Every word is true and much of it is taken directly from the many powerpoints I have lovingly made to expose myself to Devon. A she says, it is through the knowledge she has gained about me from years of me calling her and divulging more and more about myself, from my lifelong addiction to pornography to my love of bodily fluids to being a teenage gloryhole whore and so much more. I’ve done so many sick, filthy and perverted things and Devon knows all about them and uses this to fuck my mind up, ever increasing the intensity of my mental illness so that she can make me weaker and weaker, robbing me of all free will and self-control. In this way she owns me and is able to manipulate me in such degrading ways and I love it. She has conditioned me to give in to any and all of her cunt’s desires. She is a power freak and she uses me to fulfill her power fetish. By making me totally dependent and devoted to her, Devon is able to fuck me up to such an extreme level that I lose all sense of reality and when I have lost all control and I am the weakest and most vulnerable, she truly takes maximum advantage of me by exploiting me for ever more money. None of this twenty, thirty, forty bucks at a time, but instead, for hundreds of dollars at a time. I don’t mind it at all, you see as my owner and Porn Mommy, it’s her right to do this to me. It drives me insane and I am thrilled that she uses me in such extreme ways. She has even conditioned me to literally beg her to exploit me more, more, more. I am so flattered that she considers me her “perfect porn pet”. I couldn’t ask for a greater role and title. I look forward to an even more intense and dependent relationship with Devon far into the future.

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