Teasing Daddy

incest phone sex

Daddy has been staring at my ass all day. Every time I bend over he’s right there just looking. I admit, I am kind of enjoying it too. Daddy loves when I tease him anyway. Although I do wonder how long he is gonna keep this up though. Its already been like 4hrs already and my little pink pussy is getting wet thinking about fucking daddy on the coffee table. He knows I’m ready too. That’s probably why hes making me feel like he just wants to look. But I know him better than that though. If he wants to play games then fine. Its time for me to pull out the big guns! Daddy may be able to resist my cute little ass in tiny little shorts but he is weak for my naked body. I think I’ll jump in the shower and daddy knows I hate foggy mirrors so I shower with the door open . Then I’ll conveniently forget my towel forcing me to walk all the way to the laundry room to get one dripping wet and stark naked. Not tempting, irresistible.

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