Mommy Sex Can Make Any Boy Feel Better

mommy sexOne of my boys stayed home from school today. Even though he told me he felt sick, I think he just wanted some TLC and mommy sex. And he has the best nursemaid ever. Me! I love taking care of my baby boy. Any of my boys. After my other two boys left for school, my patient and I had all sorts of time together.

He did have a fever, so I knew he honestly did not feel his best. But no signs of Covid or anything. Lots of stuff passes back and forth between students in public schools. He may get a 4-day weekend. I believe in a good cum letting. In the olden days, before modern medicine, folks withdrew blood from sick people for therapeutic reasons. They believed it drew out poisons in the body, making a person ill. I think a good hand job or blowjob does the same thing.

Mommy MaryAnne Loves to Play like a Naughty Nurse

So, this sexy mommy brought her ill son a healthy breakfast. And after he ate, I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his young, hard cock. His balls felt backed up and I am a good mommy. I drain all my sons several times a day. Mommy apologized for his full balls. I hate to see him so backed up. And as a mommy, I hate to see any of my sons feeling under the weather.

He came a decent amount from the hand job I gave him. But I knew he needed a second cum letting before he might start to feel better. And mommy blows best. So, for his second cum letting, I used my mouth, my hands and my nice big mommy tits. He squirted on my face and tits. Once that second cum exploded from his cock, he laid his head back down on the pillow and fell asleep. However, I knew he a good cum or two would wear him out, but also make him feel better.

Sometimes, incest sex is just what the doctor ordered, you know?

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