Kinky phone sex daughter wants to own Daddy

 Kinky phone sex Kinky phone sex daughter sucks the Halloween treats out of your cock. Scratch that I will Suck your soul from your daddy dick. See daddy you gifted me with all the family lovemaking, and you will be under my spell as we sin/ this is all your fault for fucking me and making me a daughter whore for you. Demon’s daughter is a heathen that makes you obsessed with her mouth and little puss puss. Or, are you Possessed and headed straight for danger by giving me all this power over you?

Daddykins you know I mean every word I say because Sonya is a daddy dick slayer and you are going to be slain to my bidding!  As I ask you to “Break me like you hate me Daddy!” you become more of a slave for your daughter. 

Kinky phone sex daughter sucks the life out of you

Little Teen phone sex Sonya is a different breed. Inbreed of demon daddy seed does that to a bitch! How can my own father put his brat inside me and still think I will be the perfect sweet girl? Changes happen to a girl and not that I’m saying they are all bad changes.

But as the Day of the Dead draws near my spirit gets more powerful. Sucking your dick until you give me everything is what I am after. No way am I trying to fuck up your life, Your little girl just wants to inherit the family fortune and own the family business. So if it takes draining you until you are a zombie this weekend that is what this daddy issues girl is doing. 

Beware of my demonic seducing abilities, daddy. You just might end up my daddy Snuff phone sex victim if I don’t get my way! Give me more offspring and all you have because I’m the best incest breeder for you daddy!


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