You’re in trouble now!

sexy mommyMommy can’t believe the trouble you have gotten into now! You are really going to regret it this time! You won’t ever want to piss me off again. I’ll take those little stockings that you’re wearing and continue to dress you up while you’re at it since you want to be Mommy’s little girl! And here I thought you were just playing dress up with Mommy’s clothes… but it’s clear now that this lust is more than that. You don’t just want my attention, you want to be just like Mommy. Sexy, powerful, the reason for so many men getting off…who wouldn’t want to be me? Sure, I understand. But this doesn’t mean it doesn’t call for some severe punishment. You want to try and act like some picture perfect guy but now I am going to make you admit your true desires. You’ll be fucking the little ones with me, fucking their little brains out, forcing them to please you. That’s ALL they are good for anyway! I know you agree with me, but you’re too scared to admit it. Soon you’ll realize I have no taboos and eventually I’ll make you admit your sinful desires, and once you admit them you can start enjoying them with me. I share the same longings as you do… and nothing is better than appreciating the little ones together. It’s not hard to with Mommy Belinda by your side, if you won’t admit your deepest secret I’ll make you do it anyway. I love watching them get fucked…nothing turns me on more and I know not so deep inside you are secretly enjoying this as much, if not more, than I am. That’s Mommy Belinda for you, and your punishment can wait till we’re done playing here.

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