Young Sister Fucking

sister fucking

Remember when all you had on your mind was sister fucking? Laying in your bed listening to her breathe and her little ass was in the air. Oh, how you jacked off many nights as those panties clung to her bald little cunny. Your cock just kept growing bigger and all you had on your mind was how tight it would feel to enter her. Would she scream and let your parents know you were forcing your big brother cock in her? The night you finally found out was when she had a nightmare and crawled in your bed. She asked what the sounds were coming from mommy and daddies room. You told her you would show her what they were doing. You had stolen some lube from mommies nightstand and a pair of her panties. You sister modeled them as you comforted her before you worked as much of your big brother cock into her little cunny as possible before you exploded. It was okay because she wasn’t of breeding age yet. Cum, (hehe) re-live sex with my sister days with me! I was that sister long ago, I know what you need!

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