WoW! Playing Paladins Incestually

sex with my sister SherriMy brother loves his video games, and he’s been begging me to join him in playing World of Warcraft. He said the newest expansion is the best one since “Vanilla,” whatever that means. So I finally downloaded the trial version of the game, and we both made Blood Elf Paladins. He said I look the most like a Blood Elf chick, with my fine golden hair and lean body. I lack the ears, though.

We quested a bit. Those mana wyrms are weird, but I decided I wanted one for a pet. Can’t have one though. But then my brother decided to take me around back of one of the really pretty buildings they have in the Blood Elf starting starting area, and he told me to take off my clothes.

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I thought he meant my real clothes, and he wasn’t at my house, so I was confused. But, no, he meant my mail armor in the game. So I did, and unfortunately, I found I wasn’t quite naked. But he said we should pretend. And so we did.

He showed me how to have my sexy Blood Elf chick kneel so I could give my Blood Elf brother a blowjob, then how to lie down so we could fuck in the grass while other people ran around us and killed “mobs”. My brother showed me how to “emote” so everyone would know just how vocal we would be.

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I enjoyed it. I found, for my part, it became very hard to type one-handed, because my other hand was quite busy amusing myself. I was very, very wet, and very, very aroused. And when he climaxed, I came very, very hard.

I think I’ll continue playing for a while. He says he’ll make a gamer of me yet, and I think he might be right.

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