When the Mice are Away….

mommy phone sex AbbyThe boys go back to school in almost two weeks, and I’ll have the house to myself again. That means that if the pussy wants to play while the three blind mice are away… wait, that’s backwards, and I’m mixing up my proverbs with my nursery rhymes again, aren’t I? Ah, well. I love my boys, but I love the neighborhood “boys” too.

Such as Jeff down the street. He just graduated from college this summer, computer engineering. Properly speaking, he’s not a boy anymore, but he certainly is to me, and he’s known me so long that he still affectionately calls me “Mama.” He’s working the evening shift, which means he’ll be free to swing by during the days and show off his hardware and RAM for me. Mmm… talk nerdy to me, you geeky stud. Rowr!

There are lots of “boys” in the neighborhood to play with, and fortunately, they all love their mommy phone sex. I won’t lack for lovers any time soon!

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