Welcome to the Family

incest phone sex bernadetteA really sexy single mom moved in across the street. She looks a lot like I did when I was younger: long blonde hair, voluptuous body..Yum!..It’s hard to understand how she’s single, but that works with me. Her little boy is the spitting image of her, as well. I invited her over for lunch today. Little does she know the plans I have for her…
One little scenario I had in mind is to have my son Chad seduce her when I’m away and start making out with her in my bed. Then I come home…and truly welcome her and her young son into our special and very loving family. She will learn from us that she has all the love and sexual pleasure she needs with her own little brood. It will be all I can do to keep my hands off of her when she comes over for lunch today, so that Chad can have his chance to seduce her. But then again, the rule around here is Mommy first. Lunch can’t come soon enough and neither can I!!

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