Was that a cougar?

cougar phone sex

Cougar phone sex helps me get closer to some of my son’s friends. I was out at the grocery store the other day and one of the boys that graduated with my son recognized me and said hello. I wasn’t dressed in anything overtly showy but I noticed that he was still admiring my body. I said hello back and took a quick ogle of my own. He was 19, still worked out and had a nice tan everywhere that I could see. He offered to carry my groceries to my car and I followed behind watching that tight ass. At the car he put the groceries in the trunk and then asked me out to dinner on Sat night. I agreed and we swapped phone numbers to talk more during the week. Each morning he sent a nice text and in the evenings we would get a little dirty and sexually worked up. Finally Sat night came and he took me out to nice Italian restaurant but all I could think of was getting his hot salami in my pussy. We flirted, touched and got each other all hot and bothered. By the time the check came I was about to explode in my seat. He brought me home and gave me a goodnight kiss on the doorstep. He went to leave and I grabbed him and drug him up to my bed. We spent the rest of Sat night and all of Sunday in that bed doing every position and combo we could think of. My son was coming in on Sun night as he was leaving- they said “Hi” in passing and as I closed the door my son was teasing me about being a cougar and taking down the local wildlife. I just smiled, gave him a kiss and went back to bed. I can’t wait for next weekend!!!

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