Want to sniff my Mommy’s sexy Panty?!

Morgan&Madison 2So my Mommy Madison was telling me that she dated a guy that use to sniff her sexy panties. At first I thought she was so kidding around with me but she just kept bringing it up in conversation. She told me how much it would turn her on at the every idea of a guy sniffing her cum drippin’ wet panties. The more she kept talking about it the more I got really horny and super curious about her panties. So one day we were folding laundry and she was were this really cute white thong underneath her sexy short yellow dress she always wears around the house. I swear she wears stuff like that to get me super wet and horny for her . Lol! So anyway, back to dirty laundry talk! Lol! As I was help her with laundry, I pretended to drop a sock on the floor next to her. I went down to get it but instead I pulled off her sexy thong and sniffed it. OMG! Let me tell you not only does it smells super hot but it tastes even better. Would you like to sniff?!


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