Virtual Sister Fucking and Family Fun

sister fuckingMy brothers miss sister fucking. I miss brother fucking. Honestly, we do not live far apart but they are in Canada and I am in Michigan. The borders are closed right now. I am used to seeing at least one of my brothers weekly. We may have grown up, had families of our own but we never forgot the family fun we had when we were young. Two of my brothers live in Canada only minutes from each other. They were together last night when they called me. My sons told me that I should video chat with them. They even set it for me. It was my first video chat. I have done face time on my cell phone, but this was on my computer which is a much bigger screen. I dressed up in some sexy lingerie for it too. My outfit was lost on my horny boys. They only care about mommy’s pussy. My brothers are visual. This sexy mommy and sexy sister is stacked. Hot lingerie just accentuates the positive. Seeing their cocks for the first time in months made me soaking wet. They jacked off watching me masturbate. I masturbated watching them jack off. My sons jacked off watching their mommy and their uncles masturbate together. One of my brothers told my boys to fuck me. He wanted his nephews to be surrogates for their uncles. They were to fuck me so my brothers could feel like they were fucking me. If it is incest, I’m all in for it. My boys loved performing for their uncles. In fact, I think it upped their game. They had stamina and moves I had not yet seen. It was virtual family fucking and we all loved it. I do not care if we are on quarantine or not, I am going to do a lot more virtual fucking with my brothers.

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