Use my girl for….

Incest phone sex Sherri

I went to go and buy some new furniture today at and I found the cutest little couch. I had my daughter with me and we fell in love with this two piece leather sectional. The problem was it was almost a grand out of my price range. I asked to speak to the manager to see if we could get the price down at all, but the manager was a stickler. I noticed while I was trying to talk with him he kept checking out my daughters ass when she would bend over to check out price tags. I used this to my advantage and asked him if I let him fuck my daughters tight little asshole if he would drop the price. He smiled and and we went in the back room. I pimped my little girl out for some furniture. She sucked his cock and bent over while he rammed his cock I n her ass hole over and over until he gave a little groan because his had cum in her sweet little butthole. We are enjoying our new couch though.

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