Trying Something New

kinky phone sex lillyThe twins and I were enjoying a beautiful day. A picnic lunch and a secluded field where we could be ourselves and have a good time. suddenly we heard a car in the distance. We listened closely and kept out\r fingers crossed that we would remain alone and the day wouldn’t be ruined. The twins, being curious, felt the need to wonder off and explore a little. When they came back Michelle was so excited. She had never seen mud wrestling before. It seems the people whose car we heard were having some good old country boy and girl fun in the mud. She actually was able to snap a picture. Of course now they wanted to have some mud fun of their own. I watched, amused as they began making mud with the water from the pond so that they could wrestle. I would be the referee. It didn’t take long until we were all in the mud rolling around naked and having fun. It never occurred to me that the twins had never heard of mud wrestling and I suggested we buy a little plastic pool for home and experiment with things like oil and pudding and other mediums that we could wrestle in and even invite some of their friends to join us. incest phone sex lilly

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