They Are Filming A Porn Flick

mommy phone sex lilly1The house across the street has been up for rent for a long time. Yesterday they took down the for rent sign and today a huge truck pulled in. Along with several cars filled with people. I watched all day while the twins were in school as they unloaded huge lights and furniture out of the first truck. Then another pulled in and they began to unload massive filming equipment.
Curiosity had the best of me and I kept watching.
The twins came home and I could barely give them attention for watching the goings on across the street. It didn’t take long before the twins were right next to me chattering and asking questions as we all watched.
Night fell and the house lite up with all the big lights they unloaded earlier and the front window curtain was opened.
That is when we saw several naked people pass by the window in the front room.
I couldn’t take it any more. I instructed the twins that we were going to go look in and find out what was happening. I told them we had to be careful and quiet. We were all excited to go check it out.
I am teaching them to be voyeurs I thought as we went across the street to spy on the activity.
It didn’t take us long to realize that they were filming a porn and it was hot as hell.
We watched for over an hour before going back home and acting out the scenes we had just watched.
The twins first experience with voyeurism was watching a porn being filmed, that is some hot shit right there.kinky phone sex porn

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