The Night I Met Molly

A friend called and invited us to the big city for a visit, but I was nervous and said we couldn’t make it.  However, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so he came over and insisted we pack our things and go with him right then.  I reluctantly packed a bag for myself, but said the little ones will be with their Dad for the weekend.  He was disappointed because he likes to play with all of us, but was fine with it.  We got in his car and made the three hour drive to New York City.  WOW, we arrived at night and the city lights were intoxicating!  We went to this hotel and I couldn’t help but feel like royalty or some shit.  I felt so awkward and out of place, I mean I’m a small town trailer trashy Mommy who didn’t belong in the city, but he kept telling me it would be fine.

We go to our room, and get dressed for some party he was invited too.  I had no idea what an “underground” scene looked like until we walked in.  The room was dark and smokey, but you could see everyone was high or drunk and almost everyone was fucking someone.  I quickly realized these people are just as sexually free as I am, and I relaxed and started to talk to people.  Before I knew it somebody put a pill to my lips and said “Meet Molly.” I took the pill and swallowed it!  I had no clue fucking in the city could feel as good as it did that night!  It turns out the city isn’t much different than my small town as far as the activities go.  I must have fucked 4 people in that room, and I never knew anyone’s name.  I have to say New York City isn’t as scary as I thought it would be, and I can’t wait to go back!  Trying Molly for the first time certainly put a spin on the fun I had that night.

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