The Big Announcement

brother sister phone sex sherriHow could he? How fucking dare he? My blood is boiling and my emotions are a mixture of raw anger and memories.
He is my little brother, my first cock, my favorite fuck. I thought we would fuck forever!
How could he call and say we were meeting at our parents for him to announce his engagement?
Well that is just fine I am going to fix this shit, just watch.
As the plans form in my mind, my anger subsides and my pussy gets so fucking wet I have to fuck myself.
I played it to perfection. Mom cleared our salad bowls and I excuse my self for the bathroom.
He hadn’t looked at me once all night he was so involved in her.
Once in the bathroom I turned on my cell and just like in the old days I took some fucking hot pictures of my cunt with my fingers buried deep inside myself, juices dripping.
I texted them to him and could hear his phone beep in the other room.
Then I took some of my tits and repeated the process.
Then my ass.
Beep, beep, beep, his phone was going crazy.
I got back to the table and his face was red as he looked at me with his phone in his hand. He was trying to stay cool.
Under the table I began to fuck his cock with my feet.
He always loved my feet.
He tried so hard not to squirm with her on his arm.
Long before dessert he was asking to speak to me privately.
Talking isn’t exactly what we did and my cell phone camera was recording the whole time.
There was no announcement and he isn’t going any where.

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