That Time of Year

Alas, I decide to haul the brats out for the dreaded school shopping. We hit the aisles of Target to pick up supplies, and the brats get unruly. My spoiled ankle biters would not let up on their quest for Hello Kitty and GI Joe items and what Target had wasn’t good enough. After arguing in the aisle I hauled the brats off to the dressing rooms to sit while I grab some outfits for them to try out.

All of us in one fitting room and my devils spawn were being real nuisances. I finally control them by shutting them up with a breast in each mouth. My brats were becoming appeased and i was getting so horny. I pull them from my breasts  and cover up. We exit the fitting room and the store without purchasing a thing. Driving across to the mall we slip inside Macy’s to find some clothes. I shove both the brats in a fitting room together and grab an attractive father with a brat of his own. We converse as our munchkins dress for us. After a few outfits the father and I join the youngins in the room.

The father and I start making out as the munchkins are doing their part in suckling mommies boobs and sharing daddy’s cock. The fathers offspring starts licking my cunt like a good little tike, and his father and I  start fucking me bent over as the rugrats share my titties. Daddy’s cock pounding my cunt so good and my milky breasts getting relief by the three small mouths sucking and nibbling at them. As we enjoy each other my fingering the brats and and stroking them off daddy starts cumming in my cunt filling my pussy up with thick creamy filling.

Upon his pulling out my tikes do their job cleaning his cock up while his youngster starts cleaning my pussy out. We are all spent and happy as we exit the dressing room with our purchases.

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