Sweet Neighbor Boy Getting my Tits Ready

My stomach is getting so huge! And my breasts are looking pretty amazing. My nipples are rock hard all the time. I’ve already made an agreement to watch the neighbors boy, Todd,  and he enjoys sucking on them getting them ready for my little one. I just turn on cartoons, and he hops up and starts sucking. I figure his little teeth will prepare my breasts for the abuse they are going to take while feeding you and my new arrival!



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I like to pretend he is my girl, and he lets me put diapers on him and play with his tiny pee pee. He loves coming over to my house every day – and his parents think its because I am the best sitter ever! I can feel my baby kick on the inside as he slurps the milk from my breasts – its like she knows that she will get the sweet taste when she comes out. Of course I won;t be able to ignore Todd at that point, I’ve already promised him that he can play with her too.


He said he knows what fucking is and I figure with his little penis, it might be a good way to help get her pussy ready for you. I tell Todd all about it and I let him look at mine. His little cock gets so hard and he just keeps sucking and sucking. He is such a little horndog! I told him he can help me change her diapers and he is more than willing as long as he can touch her little pussy too. I know he won’t tell his parents, because he has so much fun with me.



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When you get here tonight, you can watch him get my breasts ready for our baby. You can show him how your big cock fucks my grown up pussy so that he knows what to do when she arrives.


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