Susan Encourages P-Cock Boyfriend Teaching Brother / Sister Phone Sex

Brother /Sister phone sexAs a hot mom, I had always been open with my little chickies about sex and intimacy especially that brother / sister phone sex was in their near future.. When I started dating Rod, a handsome firefighter who later bragged about having a huge p-cock that needed tight holes from time to time.  I wanted to get him off above all else anwe decided it was time for them to experience the pleasure of sharing each other’s bodies. One night after dinner, while they were in their rooms getting ready for bed, Rod and I snuck in and joined them under the covers.

“Hey my loves,” I said nonchalantly as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “My new boyfriend Rod and I have talked about this before.” My son looked up at me curiously while my daughter blushed bright red beneath her blanket fort. “We think it would be fun if you two got closer by exploring your sexuality together.” Their eyes widened but they didn’t protest; after all, they trusted me implicitly.

Rod leaned over and kissed both of them softly on their foreheads before whispering into their ears: “Just relax and let yourself go into the moment.” He then began undressing himself slowly as he crawled between them both on the bed – his huge cock already hard from anticipation. My daughter giggled nervously but followed suit by removing her panties revealing her tight little pussy waiting eagerly for penetration while my son watched intently from above with his stiff cock poking out from his boxers ready for action too!

Without further ado or hesitation Rod positioned himself between their quivering bodies pressing against first one cheek then another until finally entering deep inside his  possible future stepdaughter, moaning softly as he felt the tightness envelop him. My son watched intently as Rod began thrusting slowly at first, then faster and harder into his sister’s wet pussy while she gasped in pleasure beneath him. It wasn’t long before my son couldn’t contain himself any longer; he climbed on top of them both and positioned his cock at his sister’s entrance, pushing inside her ass as Rod continued to pound away from behind.

The room filled with cries of pleasure mixed with pain but it only fueled their passion even more! I watched from the corner of my eye smiling wickedly knowing that this was exactly what we had planned all along – a family bonding experience like no other! As they fucked each other furiously under the covers, sweat dripping down their bodies entwined together like vines around trees in springtime bloom…I reached over to stroke myself thinking about how lucky these two young men, one with a hot p-cock and the other being my young son, were having such an incredible experience right before me!

Brother /Sister phone sex

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