Submissive Phone Sex: Cops and Robbers

Submissive phone sex (2)

Being in the South, my brother and I always played “cops and robbers.”  He, of course, was always the cop; and, I was the one who was always getting caught.  He would sneak up behind me and yell, “Gotcha!” even when I didn’t know we were playing.  He would tie my hands behind my back with rubber bands and lead me down the hallway to his room.  He’d jump on top of me and rub his chubby sausage on my belly.  If I yelled or screamed, he’d point his index finger at me and tell me to shut-up or he’ll let me rot in jail.  When Mom would inquire what was going on, he’d push his dirty finger to my cheek and squint his eyes at me.  I’d just holler to her that we were playing; and, she would happily return to her housework. 

I hadn’t thought about that in so long; but, I found a picture while I was cleaning out a closet.  There was my brother and I, his finger cocked at me while I jumped on some rock; our parents seemed oblivious, which made me smile.  I decided that it might be fun to re-enact the ride down memory lane and made plans.

When my brother arrived home, I had snuck into his living room; I was halfway clothed and rubbing my clit against his soft, rabbit-fur-like rug.  I stretched out my body like a cat and announced that I had come to take all of his precious possessions.  He smiled and told me that he would have to stop me.  I begged him not to take me to jail; and, he told me that he may not “turn me in” if I would do just as he told me.  I glanced over at the nightstick and handcuffs that I had purposely left out on the table.  He didn’t skip a beat and locked my hands behind my back. 

He whispered in my ear, “I’m going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours, little girl.  Then, I’m going to shove my nightstick in your ass while I’m fucking that dirty pussy of yours.  And, if you make me the least bit uncomfortable, I am going to carry you to jail where they will do worse things than I will.  But, if you’re good, I may keep you alive and just fuck you until you die.”  He slapped my face with his open hand and pointed his index finger at my forehead and smiled his devilish smile that I loved so much.

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