Spring Is Sissy Time

kinky phone sex SissySpring is upon us and we need our Sissy Bunny to bring us brightly colored eggs and lots of Easter candy. It’s time for Sissy to put on her pretty, tight fitting, pink Easter Bunny custom with it’s pretty white and fluffy cotton tail and big pink bunny ears,

“Here comes Sissy Cotton Tail, Hoppin down the fairy trail, Hippity Hoppity Sissy’s on her way”

Oh how my heart skips a beat as I wait to see all the pictures of Sissy Bunny out and about for the holiday making it special for all that feast their eyes upon her. How awesome it is going to be for her to watch people point and laugh and take pictures of the Sissy Bunny!

Sissy Bunny is my favorite thing about Spring!mommy phone sex darla1

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