Something Special

Mommy phone sex SusanThere was a sale at my VERY favorite store! I made it just in time but .. alas all the good stuff was already gone. David the closer was MORE than understanding. He asked if I would like to stay after closing to find “just what I needed in the back”.  I knew if David offered, I was going to get more than a great deal! After all. A mother knows her son! After everyone left, David locked the doors and closed all the blinds! He was eager to strip me right down on the middle of the sales floor. I sat on a big over stuffed round chair and let him clean up mommies pussy! Then I let him run to the back and pick out the perfect out fit for me! He has such slutty taste! I love it. I let him dress me the whole time telling him how I was going to fuck him when we got home! His cock was throbbing for me! After David finished dressing me, I payed for my purchases! And EVERYTHING he picked out was on sale! A perfect day! With a better night in store! We left together! Me wearing the slutty outfit he picked out. The whole way home I was rubbing his cock and telling him how good it was going to feel in my pussy! I got him so turned on we didn’t even make it into the house! He fucked me in the garage bent over the front of my car like a whore! And I loved every bit of it! That is what makes me feel special! And if you love specials like I do! Check out our sit specials!

Mommy phone sex specials

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