Some Days I Do Not Feel Like a Sexy Mommy

sexy mommyI think I am a sexy mommy. Do you? Sometimes as a single mom to three rambunctious boys, I feel less than sexy. Sure, I know they want me, but they will fuck anything with a pulse at their age. Most days I am over worked between mom duties and phone sex work. I rarely have time to sleep, let alone do something just for me like a spa day or a mani / pedi. Yesterday, I felt rough. My oldest son, as he left for school, asked me why I had bags under my eyes. He did not mean any harm, but he was right. I had bags and dark circles. I decided to do something for myself while my munchkins were at school. I went to the spa. I had the day off from my mommy phone sex job, and decided I needed a me day. I got a facial and not the creamy kind my boys give me every day. I also got a hot stone massage and a mani / pedi. It was amazing what a few hours just for me did. I went home, put on some makeup, which I rarely do. I slipped into something sexy with high heels, poured a glass of wine and lit some candles. I waited for my boys to come home. My oldest son stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. I was amazed at what 6 hours of being hedonistic could do to me too. My other sons were impressed too. They wanted some mommy sex. Now, they always want it. They are horny boys. But yesterday after school, they noticed me. Not just my tits, ass and pussy. They said I was so pretty and gushed at how lucky they were to have me as their mommy. I am not going to lie. The ego boost did me good. We fucked. Fucked longer and harder than we have in ages. Maybe mommy just needs a few hours a week to herself to keep looking so sexy.

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