Sister Fucking is How it Began

sister fuckingSister fucking gave me my first taste of incest. My youngest memory is eating my older sisters’ pussies. They told me it was what baby sisters did for their big sisters. They were older and wiser, and I trusted they would have my back. They did. They wanted me to know my way around the bedroom. They wanted me to know how good things could feel. For a few years it was just me and my sisters having dirty fun. I did not know my big sisters were playing with my big sisters until my big brothers started playing with me too. Once my brothers thought I was old enough, I started sucking cock and eating pussy. Only one brother is younger than me. When our older siblings left for college, it was just him and me at home during our high school years. We became super close, fucking for hours after school before our mom came home for work. It was a miracle he never knocked me up. We used no birth control, and our tiny Canadian village had no Planned Parenthood. I am close to all my siblings, but my baby brother and I are the closest because we spent the most time at home together. We have not seen each other in over a month because of the weather. Winter storms in Canada and in Michigan have made it impossible to travel. Last night, we got on Snap Chat and masturbated for each other. My social media guru sons set me up. They masturbated watching their sexy mommy play for their uncle. My niece came into the room and licked my pussy as I watched my baby brother cum on his computer screen. My niece loves her youngest uncle’s cock because he has the biggest cock in the family. She has become a little size queen on quarantine. After I said goodnight to my brother, I fucked my boys and ate my niece’s wet young pussy. It was a family affair. It is always a family affair.


  1. I want to be part of your family baby – you are so hot to talk to

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