
kinky phone sex SissyHarley came to me this morning and asked me how his favorite Sissy can go from a rough and tumble, fight it out, high profiled lawyer by day to a sweet and loving sissy at night. I never really thought about that one so I didn’t have an answer for him. One thing is for sure it does show my sissy boy that he can be successful as a fake man while still holding on to his beautiful inner sissy.What a beautiful lesson for Sissy to teach my little one. In honor of our favorite Sissy Harley is being a fake boy all day and tonight he will transform into a sissy with jingly jangly bracelets and big gold hoop earnings. Tonight I make him walk around with a lump of shame just like our favorite poo poo pansy and I will make him rub his clitty with it. I haven’t decided if I will let him squirty squirt or not. But I do know he will get a good dose of humiliation and shame just like our Fairy Faggot Sissy. I love that Harley wants to be just like Sissy Michael, our very own Piggy Pet, Tinkerbell Transvestite. We love you Sissy and we know you love us too!mommy phone sex sissy

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