Sissy phone sex p-daddy

sissy phone sexA Sissy phone sex p-daddy is great to fluff my cocks. And yes that includes all cocks. Boy penis and P-man cock is up for grabs with this sexy nasty man. I hope he knows how wet my pussy gets when he calls me and talks about his sweet grand-daughter and daughter. Not that he hasn’t heard it when I put my headset down by my pussy! I have always said that the more taboo a man is the more spun he gets over the years. And This is ex-fucking-zactly what has happened here. We moved on from talking about his p-daddy needs and duties, to watching other men and his rape phone sex fantasies of both his Grand-brat and Daughter getting fucked by registered Sex offenders. That was hot to make him watch and listen as I parade the p-cock in and out of these tight holes.
Of course a story is nothing without pictures so we find look-a-likes On social media so this baby girl p-mommy can see our victims. And wouldn’t you know it? Our phone sex gets kinkier as he wants to suck daddy and boy penis and get his ass fucked by my Strap-on!

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