Sir Mr. Poops-A-Lot

I was doing my house cleaning today. I was cleaning the bathroom when I had the funniest thought. When my son was young. He was always trying to play in the toilet. He thought that it was a tiny pool he was to big to get into! I found him one day on the floor playing with is on POOP! I was very upset! I just cleaned that floor and he was smearing shit everywhere! He told me he was trying to clean the pool out… and one he grabbed it it squished thru his fingers! And he liked it! From then on till he was MUCH older! I kept catching him playing in his own shit! He said it was BETTER than mud. Warm and just right wetness. I use to call him Sr. Mr. Poops-a-lot! Now I think back on that time and smile. I miss all naughty things he did back then! BUT… I do love the naughty things he does now. I wonder if he still likes to play with his shit. I bet he does!

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